VRK Diet

Veeramachaneni Diet or VRK Diet is the popular diet emerging as a weight loss diet, diabetes diet, cancer diet, and a healthy alternative to a carbohydrate-based diet. Basic ingredients such as coconut oil, lemon juice, sea salt, ghee, and other high fats can keep you full for a longer time and reduce carb intake. VRK diet is the emerging diet for cancer patients to reduce the tumors and diabetes patients to remove diabetes from the body. The only risk is eliminating the medicines the doctors prescribe and just following the VRK diet in the initial phases.

Veeramachaneni Ramakrishna was in the Quad Cities recently as part of the US tour. He formulated a diet for his own self and it slowly expanded to the immediate family and friends. Now it has expanded to worldwide diet followers and many WhatsApp groups supporting the users through their journey. Some Chinese hospitals have adapted VRK diet to their cancer patients and observed the tumor has reduced completely. Several diabetes patients have ditched their medicines and by following the VRK diet they are reportedly doing absolutely fine. VRK diet also claimed to be helping women with cysts, period problems, and fertility issues.

VRK Diet and Diabetes

Veeramachaneni claims that medicines for Type 2 diabetes are making the patients drug addicts. The drugs let the patients generate more insulin on top of what the body already generates naturally to digest the glucose in the body. The extra insulin gets stored in the body as fat which in turn causes other complications in the body. The medicines the doctors prescribe are for reducing only the blood sugar which will not reduce the sugar in other parts of the body. The patients fall into a continuous cycle of drugs and sugar they never recover.

VRK Theory – Fat Metabolism vs Glucose Metabolism

The human body can survive on fat-based metabolism and glucose-based metabolism. Human cells can absorb only so much glucose and when they are full, insulin converts extra glucose into body fat. The insulin resistance of the body is the root cause of the diseases which can be mitigated with fat metabolism.

Fat-based foods keep you full for a longer time and do not need insulin to get absorbed into the body. On the other hand, carb-based foods generate a lot of glucose in the body which needs insulin to digest. Fat-based foods do not modify your daily required calories and are safe without any side effects. According to Veeramachaneni, timing the food intake will regulate the body sugars and you do not need medications at all!

VRK Diet

Veeramachaneni suggests that you only need a two meal, one meal, or complete liquid meal.

  1. Start the day with one liter of water, lemon juice, salt, and garlic. Have a teaspoon of cold-pressed virgin unrefined coconut oil at this time.
  2. After that, if you are following a two-meal diet, have heavy lunch and heavy dinner. Avoid taking any meals or snacks during the day. Liquids such as juices and tea are okay in between if you feel hungry.
  3. Similarly, for a one meal diet, just eat one heavy meal and substitute the rest of the diet with liquids.
  4. For a complete liquid diet, you do not consume any solids and fill your stomach with only liquids throughout the day.

Following your doctor suggestion is crucial about the VRK diet. Ditching the medicines may cause sudden changes in the body. One may customize their diet according to their food preferences. However, think that you have only two food coupons for the day and you can only use those to eat. Avoid eating whatever comes your way or whatever is available. Just because there is surplus food, we don’t have to eat it. Fasting also is a mechanism to cleanse the system and use up the extra fat stored in the body.

For people looking to change their lifestyle, VRK diet is a good way to start and may help in weight loss. Being aware of the food intake will result in healthy alternatives. Contact Veeramachaneni at +91 7671995599 to get added to the Whatsapp support groups who can suggest the diet items and share success stories.



Why Walking is the Best Medicine for all Ailments

We have heard many people saying that, “Walking is good for health”, “My doctor has advised to walk thirty minutes a day”, “Walking reduces body weight” and so on. I was always wondering what may be the actual benefits. But, lately I realized that walking is the best medicine for all ailments.


Here are many benefits of walking apart from weight loss and controlling diabetes and blood pressure:

  • Walking engages us as we prepare and plan ahead to get out on time
  • While walking, you are also observing the nature, which is relaxing and increasing your observation skills.
  • You may encounter different thoughts or plan of actions while you walk.
  • You can discuss many personal or professional topics while walking.
  • Discussing or talking out your mind actually relaxes your mind and the day ahead.
  • You may listen to good and soothing music while walking.


  1. It is better and essential to have a walking companion, may be, your spouse, or a friend, or your child, any body, who can accompany you in the daily walking routine.
  2. Start and plan your walking.
  3. Remember to wear good pair of shoes and loose clothes.
  4. Further, you may have light breakfast or tea or coffee before you walk.
  5. Choose a convenient time and set the total walking time comfortable to your body rather than over-doing it.

One may notice drastic changes initially, but once the change is stabilized, it will be consistent. Therefore, it is suggested to continue the walking at the same time of the day.

Most of all, the entire excitement lies in getting out of the home and completing the routine. You will feel a sense of satisfaction and success if you complete your walking routine. It is a supplement along with the food, medicine and rest you take daily. So, happy walking and best wishes to achieve your weight loss target. 🙂